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ようこそ  ゲスト さん ログイン 入力補助 English Top ブラウズ 著者 出版年 雑誌名 資料種別 ランキング アクセスランキング ダウンロードランキング その他 成果物の登録方法 大東文化大学図書館HP このアイテムのアクセス数:6件(2024-04-29 07:21 集計) 閲覧可能ファイル  ファイル フォーマット サイズ 閲覧回数 説明 KJ00004506477 pdf 956 KB 8 論文情報 タイトル A judicial officer&#39;s mission and legal justice and the Relations of the Ethics 著者名 著者/ヨミ/別表記 ASO, Toshikatsu アソ, トシカツ 抄録・概要 A judicial officer appreciates the characteristics of the relations between the rule-ization society and the non-rule-ization society, and learning legal justice and the balance of the ethics is the most important. The ethics which sublimated benevolence love even in the character are acquired and you should work for the realization of the legal justice backed in this. Unless it is so, the benefit is empty at the time of the judicial officer, and falls into the cold authoritarianism, and private consideration and unfair can&#39;t be wiped away in ethics that it doesn&#39;t suit legal justice. All judicial officers try to keep legal justice and the balance of the ethics. They should contribute to a solution of a dispute with the warmth as a human being. The moment the view of the legal justice is raised, it is indispensable to wear ethics firmly by the study to raise benevolence love in the world of passion as a personal character because of that. Of course you should learn knowledge from different angles from the philosophy of history, literature, economy, scientific treatise and so on from the superior who is excellent to see ethics as the same when legal knowledge is looked for from the superior and the book. The direction of a post-graduate law faculty to raise general arts to the judicial officer is right. 掲載誌名 Daito law review NCID AA12049374 ISSN 18801250 巻 2 開始ページ 5 終了ページ 16 刊行年月日 2006-03 言語 英語 資料種別(NII) 紀要論文 コンテンツの種類 紀要論文 著者版フラグ publisher ホームへ戻る © 2024 Daito Bunka University, All rights reserved       お問い合わせ先 リポジトリ担当 [email protected]

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